Measure accurately to avoid production errors. When you want to prepare a large volume like 5 liters, use 5.5 litres to avoid overspill.
PART 1 of 3
Preparing the Light Soda Ash and Sulphonic Acid Mixture
1. Put on all protective gear, including gloves and face mask.
2. In a medium sized basin pour about 1000 mls of distilled water, add one quarter cup and three teaspoonful of light soda ash. Mix until completely dissolved.
3. Then slowly add 100mls of sulphonic acid to the light soda ash mixture, stirring continuously using a stick or stainless steel hand blender to give you a creamy paste.
PART 2 of 3
Preparing the Natrosol and Distilled Water Mixture and Adding it to the Creamy Paste.
1. In a basin mix three tablespoonful Natrosol and 1,550 mls of distilled water very well.
2. Add the Sulphonic Acid and light soda ash solution to the nitrosol solution and continue stirring.
3. Add one quarter cup texapone and mix. Set aside for a while.
PART 3 of 3
Preparing the Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
1. Dissolve two and half tablespoonful SLS in 100 mls distilled water and add to the liquid soap paste
2. Add 5 mls of formalin.
3. Add 5mls lemon fragrance oil
4. Measure the ph of the liquid soap using a pH test strips (Target pH is 9.75)
5. Add ⅓ teaspoon blue colourant
6. Pour into a suitable transparent, squeezable plastic bottle that is made of PET (plastic is ideal because it stands up to fragrance oils or essential oils). Cover tightly.
7. Label and store in a cool place.For external use only.
General Tips
*Some fragrance oils and essential oils have colour of their own, so add them before you add the colourant. Liquid food colours work perfectly.
* If you are allergic to odours use nose mask
* Use protective hand gloves on both hands
*When you want to prepare a large volume like say 50 liters, use 50.5 litres instead to avoid overspill.
*Measure the recipes accurately to avoid production errors.
* Dissolve the ingredients well to avoid lumps in the final product
* Chemical salts look similar, so label all salt recipes to avoid misplacement during production
* Know the difference between water based color and oil-based color
Liquid Soap Tips
* In choosing a container for your liquid soap a transparent, squeezable plastic bottle that is made of PET plastic is ideal because it stands up to fragrance oils or essential oils.
* Because of the high water content of liquid soap, it may be susceptible to spoilage due to the presence of bacteria in even the cleanest water. Consider using a cosmetic preservative
* To remove air bubbles that remain in the soap paste, spritz the surface with rubbing alcohol
Note: All Liquid Soaps are kept out of reach of children, away from food, water, and feeding stuff. Keep liquid soap away from frost, direct sunlight and open flame. It's stable at a storage temperature of over +5 degrees centigrade.They are stored in original containers, tightly closed, away from open flame, sunlight and frost. Liquid soap will last from a year to 18 months
Question- What will I do if my Liquid Soap is too thick after mixing?
Answer- Cover it and let stand alone for about 12 hours to saponify. Let it sit overnight.
Question- Why is my scent seperating out of the liquid soap?
Answer- Most scents (EOs and FOs) are hydrophobic, but to varying degrees, and they can be reactive in soap. You should always test scents first to see how they behave -- they can thicken or thin LS, form gelatinous clumps, separate out of the soap and even cause cloudiness. For the ones that separate, you can add Polysorbate to solubilize thescent.
Question- How can I increase scent retention in my Liquid Soap?
Answer- Concentrated essential oil is very strong and a little goes a long way. You can add kaolin clay to the scent which holds onto the scent, so it doesn't evaporate along with the liquid.
Question- Do I need to add preservative to liquid soap?
Answer- Soap paste does not need a preservative; but when it is diluted with water, it needs a preservative.
Question- What are the preservatives used in liquid soap production?
Answer- You can use Liquid Germall Plus in your diluted liquid soap. Some people use formalin.
Question- What is the normal pH range of liquid soap?
Answer- The normal pH range of Liquid soap is between 9.0 to 9.75
Question- How do I test the pH of my Liquid Soap?
Answer- Liquid Soap pH is tested using either pH meter or a pH Test Strip
Question- Why is it necessary to measure the pH of Liquid Soap?
Answer- It is required in order to maintain the pH balance of liquid soap, so that it will not react with your skin.
Question- If the pH of my liquid soap is lower than normal or higher than normal what can I do?
Answer- When the pH of liquid soap is higher or lower than normal it means that it is not balanced and can react to your skin. To lower the pH add 20% citric acid or 33% borax solution, and to raise it add glycerine. But it is not advisable to add them because adding acids to try to lower the pH of soap will make it fall apart and lose its cleansing ability. On the other , hand, adding borax will make the soap more cloudy.
Question- Why is my liquid soap a hard paste?
Answer- Using NaOH (sodium hydroxide) rather than KOH (potassium hydroxide) when making liquid soap can turn it into a hard paste.
Question- How do I make my cloudy liquid soap clear?
Answer- Allow the diluted soap to rest untouched for several days to weeks or you can add in a tiny amount of KOH solution if you’re really set on having a clear soap.
Question- Water and distilled water which one is best for liquid soap making?
Answer- I recommend using distilled water when making soaps and cosmetics. Distilled water is free from impurities and also of the minerals that are normally present in tap water.
Question- why is my liquid soap cloudy?
Answer- It can be a result of impurities in tap water used. You can resolve the problem of cloudiness in their soap just by switching to distilled water instead of tap water.
Question- Why does my liquid soap irritate my skin?
Answer- If you find that your soap causes skin irritation, it may be an indication that you may have a lye excess. Having unreacted lye solution in your liquid soap can result in a liquid soap with a higher pH than normal. While soap is normally naturally alkaline, having a pH that is too high can become a case, especially for people with sensitive skin
Question- Can I add food and plant-based ingredients to Liquid Soap?
Answer- No. Adding them will not only make it less effective but will also make it extremely difficult to preserve and can make it more prone to microbial growth.
Question- What parameters are used in assessing the quality of liquid soap?
Answer-Appearance( such as color and clarity), pH, fragrance, solids content, foaming, and foam stability.
Question- What factors affect liquid soap foam stability?
Answer- They are surface tension of the foaming solution, surface viscosity, solution viscosity, pressure and bubble size distribution, Cleaning ability, and product stability.
Question-can nitrosol be added to the bathing shower wash?
Answer- The answer to your question is No. Adding aerosol to the already-made bathing shower wash will affect the total product formulation. However, natrosol (Hydroxyethylcellullitersan be used as a thickening ingredient for making bathing shower wash.