Most people don't have the basic sewing skills required to make a complete garment. Learning how to sew not only saves you money but also make you have a sense of accomplishment that comes from creating something handmade. Resewing any garment you could ever think of is possible and will help you learn sewing fast. Try it because it works. This free sewing tutorial is dedicated specially to you. You can do it!
1. PART 1 of 4
Gathering Your Sewing Tools
1. Sewing machine: A machine is a mechanically, electrically, or electronically operated device for performing a task. A sewing machine is a device used to sew fabric and materials together with thread.
Sewing threads are yarns made to pass through a sewing machine or needle.It's basic use is to deliver stitches and seams on fabric materials.
5.Tailor's Chalk: a hard chalk used to make temporary markings on cloth or a garment. This type of special chalk marks the spot on a garment where a garment might need to be taken in or let out, shortened or mark the placement of where to place an embellishment making it easy to see the exact placement.
6. Scissors: Scissors are hand-operated shearing tools. A pair of scissors consists of a pair of metal blades pivoted so that the sharpened edges slide against each other when the handles (bows) opposite to the pivot are closed. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, cloth, rope, and wire
7. A Measuring tape: A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler used to measure size or distance. It consists of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fibre glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement marking
8. Buttons: A small disc or knob sewn on to a garment, either to fasten it by being pushed through a slit made for the purpose.
9. Brown Craft paper: Craft paper is used in shops to underlay fabrics to ensure correct stitching, as well as creating patterns for your designs.
2. PART 2 of 4
Creating Pattern From the Old Garment
2. Place each piece of the old seam loosed garment on brown craft paper and pin in place.
3. Draw an outline of the edges with chalk
4. Cut out the outlines with a sharp sewing scissors.
5. Unpin each old garment piece from the paper and safely store the paper patterns.
3. PART 3 of 4
Using the Paper Pattern Pieces to Create New Fabric Patterns
1. Layout the fabric in a fold on a wide long table.
2. Place each paper pattern piece on the new fabric with pins except those piece that will be cut once, such as pocket, facing and yoke for a shirt.
3. Make the outlines with a chalk.
4. Cut out each fabric piece with a sharp scissors and keep together.
4. PART 4 of 4
Sewing of The New Garment
1.Sew yoke on back shirt piece.Turn in inner edges on yoke and topstitch in place close to edges.Baste remaining yoke edges in place.
2.Join shoulder seams leaving side vents open.
3.Turn self-facings on fronts to inside, turn in raw edges and stitch in place.
4.Sew right sides together round outer edges, turn, topstitch collar.
5.Sew collar to neck edge.
8.Turn in raw edge and sew seam from inside.
6.Join sleeve seams leaving vents open.
7.Turn in raw edges and sleeve hen allowances and stitch in place.
8.Join sleeves and side seams.
9.Sew allowance on pocket facing to inside.
10.Sew pocket into the Left front piece.
11.Turn in raw edges and hem allowances of the shirt and stitch in place.
12.Make button holes on the left front of the shirt and stitch buttons on the right front of the shirt.